Columbus Circle

On Broadway, between Times Square and Columbus Circle/Central Park, you'll pass many souvenir shops trying to get money of you. A small tip in case you are on the outlook for some regular souvenirs to give to non-New Yorkers, go to the drugstore around here.  In their basement, they have a small selection of regular souvenirs to about half the price than anyone else. 

Now the Time Warner towers are upon us at Columbus Circle - also the only spot where you have direct access to Central Park directly from Broadway itself. The Time Warner Centre was finalized some ten years ago - with its many fancy apartments high up in the sky, a fancy hotel and some fancy restaurants - out of ordinary people's reach. But also the great concert place "Jazz at Lincoln". Here you can get one of - what I call - the ultimate New York experiences. One concert hall faces out to Columbus Circle with the musicians with their back to the view - but you are facing the musicians and the view! Looking to one side you have Central Park, to the other you literally see into people's private living rooms! You do really feel part of New York in this place: Jazz in New York. 

But it is not only Jazz at Lincoln which is here. The "real" Lincoln Centre is situated a bit further up Broadway, so if you are not up for jazz you have here a choice between classical, opera or ballet. I enjoy the atmosphere here, and you have the famous music academy, the Juilliard, right across the street. Look out for repertoires going on, as you might encounter an amazing experience. One of our previous neighbours studied to become a composer, so he invited us to one of his pieces. It was do nice, so intimate - everyone knowing everyone and we felt proud being part of this "family" for one evening.