Arriving to 14th street, you are also arriving to Union Square Park and it's as if Broadway ends here leading you directly into the park; go right through the park to the left side and Broadway is indeed continuing northwards. Before you continue, however, turn around and look behind you to your left. You will see a huge number on the wall which keep counting and counting. First time, I saw this, my friends told me that it counted the US national debt per second - and I was horrified, as it kept going and going! I believed in this for many years...
It is in fact, an art work with an integrated - rather sophisticated - clock, that tells you the time in the first seven digits, and reading backwards tell you how much time you have left of the day.
Union Square is probably now best known for its farmer's market. You get great farm produce and it buzzes with activity especially on the Saturdays when many vendors are selling their wares. There are some strict rules on who can sell at the green markets in New York, as it has to be producers only, who are there, no middle-man is accepted. Thereby you are sure to receive fresh produce directly from the farms.
Who would think you could compost in the middle of New York living in tiny apartments? The City has established a great system in their green markets where you can come with your compostable vegetable peels, teabags, old flowers etc. and dump it in their containers. This will then be transported to some large city compost sites. Did you know you can keep your carrot and potato peel for more than a week without any unpleasant smells till you can bring it to the market compost heap? Yep, simply freeze your compost.
Now you are moving on to a section of Broadway that is less known. Right after Union Square quite some interesting furniture shops appear, one of my favorite is here: Design within Reach. They have great mid-century style furniture and, of course, many designed by Danish furniture makers. It's amazing to see as a Dane how famous Danish furniture from the fifties and sixties is in New York. It's like being in my parents' old living room when entering into some of those shops!