Think German Parliament in Berlin and you think of German powerhouse government, but think also graphic design!
Indeed, when visiting the Berlin Government buildings during a freezing cold week end of last year, it struck me how much we were surrounded by graphic design everywhere.
First think of the buildings themselves. They are a great study of architecture - old and new.
Then take the German Parliament where each Parliament Member votes by show of cards: blue (in favour), red (against) and white (abstain).
Have a look here how these cards are organised for each member at the entrance to their Parliament Hall - a modern artwork in itself!
And downstairs a wall has been made of all the old filing boxes of each member. Pretty cool, right!
Last but not least, here is a colour feast for eyes and that right outside Ms. Merkel's office. What colourful inspiration the Government must get before heading to their Cabinet meetings! I just love to see these pieces of art right here in one of Europe's power centers.
I will surely use wonderful colour inspirations for some of my future knitting. But what? I do not know yet!
And if I get inspiration to simple knitting, what must the Government then get of political inspiration! It cannot go all bad!