I mentioned my visit to Egeskov Castle in Denmark in some of my previous blogs and I have yet one more small interesting thing to show from that castle. This time not very colourful: black old iron stoves.
The castle has two of the oldest well-kept Scandinavian octagonal iron stoves dating from the end of the 1600s and a few somewhat younger. Amazing what they could form intricate patterns in such hard raw material as iron, and that back then!
The small box on top of the stove is called a smoke box - very sweet.
I was quite amazed about the intricate details in the iron work of the stoves. See for yourself. Wonder if these can also turn into a knitting pattern one day?
In fact, the stove I Iike the best is the simplest of them all: very square with minimal designs, but look at the flowers at the top and the ribbon pattern in the middle - very elegant.