Tour & Taxis

The Tour and Taxis buildings in Brussels have gone through an amazing renovation during the past ten years or so.

I still remember about 20 years ago, when these old industrial warehouses still were used as registration offices for our cars. I was always amazed to get into these old wonderful buildings - what a shame I never thought of taking a photo back then.

Beginning of the 2000s, I went to a few Couleur Café Music Festivals when these old buildings were in ruins but the outside spaces were used for cultural events. Then I left the city for ten years and when I come back - what a change!

Tour & Taxis has changed to a modern urban cultural center with restaurants, design shops; even the Brussels opera and a circus school have moved in there. I am so glad that these buildings have been saved and I think the architects have done a wonderful job with the renovation - I now hope that the use and the events will be complementing and honouring this wonderful historical venue.